Tuesday, November 29, 2011

B's lesson plans Nov. 28-Dec. 2

Field trip to Mifflinburg Fire Company and Ambulance Station.  Reviewed important fire safety information, learned what kinds of equipment are used in putting out fires and what protective gear is worn. Also learned about emergency rescue equipment such as the "jaws of life" and "air bags", learned the location and how to operate some of the controls on the fire truck and went for a test ride.  Also was shown some emergency life-prolonging strategies and safety procedures that ambulance workers use while viewing the inside of an actual ambulance.

Read ch. 5 of The Delaware Indians and narrate
Language Arts:
Use dictionary to look up unfamiliar verses from scripture memory verses.  Write out definitions and begin working on a paper illustrating how these scriptures will help establish victory over undesirable behavior.
Elective: Home Economics
Washed dishes after evening meal and babysat siblings while parents were occupied with other responsibilities

Nature walk and prepared Jesse tree with cut branches.  Crafted ornaments to be hung each day and read several days of advent related entries in order to catch up.  Practice math problems. 

Began reading William Penn: Quaker Hero, ch. 1-2 and provide oral narration.  Copywork: the Christmas story from Luke 2: 1-20.  Math practice problems.  Hung black oil sunflower seed birdfeeder and suet feeder and observed bluebird family in front tree with binoculars.